If you need a hand, email support[at]thethemefoundry[dot]com.

Cufon fonts

Paperpunch uses Cufon to display two custom fonts: Chunk (for the title) and Junction (for the headers). If you would like to disable Cufon check out how to replace functions on the basic tutorials page.

Extra Latin Characters

The standard Paperpunch package does not include the extra latin characters by default. Download the extended glyphs package and replace the JunctionRegular.font.js file.

Working with images

Paperpunch is already set up for images with nice clean borders. To insert an image just use the add media button, pick your image, write your title and caption, choose your alignment, and choose “insert into post“.

That’s it, you’re done. If you want to add an image but you don’t want it to have a border (if it looks nice against your background for example). Simply add the noborder class to the image like so:

<img class="noborder" src="http://yoursite.com/yourimage.jpg/>

Image dimensions

Where a height is not provided, feel free to insert your own custom value.

Sidebar image:

  • Width: 271px
  • Recommended height: 200px

Blog post image:

  • Width: 595px

Theme Options

Follow Icons


First, if you haven’t already, you should sign up for Feedburner and then link it with your WordPress blog by following these instructions.

Now drop your Feedburner email updates link into the box and you are ready to go. To find your email updates link:

  1. Log in to Feedburner.
  2. Click the Publicize Tab
  3. Click Email Subscriptions in the menu on the left
  4. Click the activate button if the service is inactive
  5. Copy the link from the 2nd text box.

Make sure you only paste in the link (see below), not the surrounding anchor text:


Twitter, Facebook, Flickr

To enable your subscribe links, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Appearance → Theme options;
  2. Under Follow icons, check to enable your social links;
  3. Enter the full URL links to your social sites in the provided input fields. Note: For Twitter, only enter your Twitter ID.

The only complicated option here is page or post specific, the rest are self explanatory. When you switch to the page or post specific option your sidebar image will disappear. You use custom fields to turn it back on for specific posts and pages. Listed below are your key:value pairs.

  1. sideimg-url: When you upload an image using the add media button you are provided with a URL to that image. Simply post that URL in the Value box.
  2. sideimg-alt : Define the alt tag for your image (recommended)
  3. sideimg-height: Define the height of your image. The height will default to whatever you have set in the theme options menu.
  4. sideimg-status: Set this to value to “hidden” (without the quotes) if you want to hide your image temporarily

Note: You can always override the default setting if you include page and post specific custom fields. For example, if you have the banner state set to “rotate” and you want to override that behavior for a specific post or page simply add the img-url custom field to your page or post and it will override the rotating banner for that page or post.

You can add a custom copyright line to the footer of your site. To do this:

  1. Go to Appearance → Theme Options;
  2. Under Footer, enter your custom message;
  3. Click Save changes.

Create pages

Full-width page

To create a Full-width page, you will need to use the No Sidebar page template.

  1. Navigate to Pages → Add New;
  2. Enter a title for your page;
  3. Under Page Attributes, select the No Sidebar template;
  4. Click Publish.

To create a page with a left-aligned sidebar, you will need to use the Left Sidebar page template.

  1. Navigate to Pages → Add New;
  2. Enter a title for your page;
  3. Under Page Attributes, select the Left Sidebar template;
  4. Click Publish.

Sitemap page

To create a Sitemap, you will need to use the Sitemap page template.

  1. Navigate to Pages → Add New;
  2. Enter a title for your page (Sitemap, for example);
  3. Under Page Attributes, select the Sitemap template;
  4. Click Publish.

The Sitemap page will be automatically generated; no need to write a single word.