It’s time! WordPress 5.0 is here, and along with this updated comes the much discussed Gutenberg editor. While this new editor adds lots of additional features, it isn’t designed to support a lot of the features our themes offer. So to have complete theme compatibility with 5.0 please install and activate the official Classic Editor plugin for your website.

Why you might ask? Read below to answer some common questions.

Does my theme support the new Gutenberg editor?

Maybe! ?You’re welcome to try Gutenberg editor out but it’s not something we’re officially supporting with any of our themes. All our help guides will remain specific to WordPress 4.9 and earlier, and we’re only offer ongoing support for themes when the Classic Editor plugin activated.

Why doesn’t my theme support WordPress Gutenberg editor?

Many of our themes advanced features are easier to use with the classic editor. WordPress’ Gutenberg editor is better suited to simpler themes or themes engineered from the ground up for the new editor.

Will I be missing out on important features and security updates if I disable Gutenberg?

Not at all! Running Classic Editor plugin with 5.0 is not a security or compatibility concern — it’s the official WordPress editor after all. The plugin is planned to be supported for many years to come (officially supported until December 31, 2021).

What about my Customizer settings, Theme Options and additional features like external font services?

Good new for you! All theme features outside the post editor like Customizer settings, Theme Options, and Font Authorization screen will work just like they always have — no changes or limitations.

I’ve created posts and pages using the new Gutenberg editor. Will I lose my work if I switch to your theme?

No way — we wound’t do that to you! Posts and pages created with Gutenberg will still work, and your content will still be there after you activate Classic Editor. Just remember that if those blocks were handled by your previous theme, they might render or behave differently on your new theme.

How do I switch to Classic Editor?

Just install and activate the plugin, it will replace the Edit Post and Edit Page screens with the classic editor you’re familiar with. That’s it! ?

I still have questions. Where can I get help?

Please email us (support [at] thethemefoundry dot com) — we’re more than happy to guide you through all the twist and turns that 5.0 offers.