Vigilance 1.0 Released
By team on September 12, 2008
Vigilance 1.0 was released today. A few of the many features are outlined below.
Head on over to the download page (retired) and grab a fresh copy.
Theme Options
Never mind digging through HTML…
Vigilance has a fully featured options menu that allows you to customize just about every last corner of the theme. Never mind digging through HTML and CSS all day, no coding experience is necessary. Just point and click ( and maybe type ).
Learn more about tapping into the full potential of Vigilance by reading the tutorials page (retired).
Did we mention it’s FREE!
Vigilance is released under the terms of the GNU GPLv3. What the heck does that mean? That means the theme is open source software and you can download it and do anything you want with it. Well not anything you want. The license does not permit:
- Distributing Vigilance under a different license.
- Other weird stuff you thought of when we said anything.
If you want the nitty gritty start reading.
The only favor we ask of you is to please leave the link in the footer as a token of your appreciation.
More to come
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