Make 1.8.9 and Make Plus 1.8.7
By on June 8, 2017
Today we’re shipping another set of improvements to Make and Make Plus. Here’s what’s new:
Make Plus
- New option allowing Panels to start collapsed.
- New ways to manage excerpt length in Posts List section.
- New Customizer section General → Reset to undo all customizations for when you want to start over.
- Colors in Panels are now fully configurable in Customizer from Color → Panels screen.
- Excerpts in Posts List set to Default now display links.
- Added a setting to hide post title and post navigation in single post template.
- Added a setting to toggle breadcrumbs in single page and post template.
- Added support for Jetpack responsive videos.
- Improved styling and accessibility for the Skip To Content link.
- Improved alignment of text, theme credits and social icons in the footer.
- Improved logo and navigation width to allow more space for navigation.
- Header templates are now split into partials for easier customization.
- Media selection frame now shows selected attachment and metadata.
- Google Maps embeds now honour user defined attributes.
- Swatches in the Background Color setting now get populated from Customizer color settings.
- Header, containers, and footer now expand to full width when the full-width option is switched on.
- Fixed the Failed to decode downloaded font error with Jetpack share icon.