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Say hello to Shelf!

By team on November 23, 2010

Say hello to Shelf, the newest member of our theme collection! When we first broke ground on Shelf nearly four months ago I knew this theme was going to be special, but I never imagined it would turn out to be such a work of interface art. I want to personally thank the incredibly awesome Jon Hicks, Yan Sarazin, and Brandon Dove for bringing Shelf to life, it wouldn’t have happened without your hard work.

Shelf is now available for purchase on the WordPress and Tumblr platforms.

Handcrafted with love

As you know, every theme we release here at The Theme Foundry is handcrafted from scratch. We don’t follow the traditional route of handing off Photoshop mockups to third-party developers. Instead, we build the interface straight into HTML from sketches, creating necessary artwork and elements as we go. This approach takes some extra care and love, but makes for a higher quality finished product. This was especially true for Shelf, as we also had to incorporate custom JavaScript and WordPress functionality.

HTML5 goodness

At the core of Shelf is pure HTML5 goodness. If you take a peek at the source code you will find native HTML5 <header>, <nav>, and <article> tags. By combining @media queries and a fluid layout, Shelf also strives to be a flexible and responsive design.

Built for mobile

Shelf is built to play well with modern smartphones and even has some special tweaks for the iPad, including single finger swiping and easily scrollable articles! Not only that, Shelf for WordPress fully supports the Express iPhone app from WooThemes out of the box. If you are using the Tumblr version of Shelf, you have the ability to post using several different devices.

Upcoming WordPress post formats

As you may have heard, WordPress is introducing post formats in version 3.1 (due out sometime in December). The new post formats will be a perfect fit for Shelf and we plan on releasing an update soon after WordPress 3.1 is released giving you the option to migrate to the new native post formats.

What do you think?

We would love to hear any feedback you have on Shelf so please drop us a note in the comments!

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