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Themes by Jestro is now The Theme Foundry

By team on January 11, 2010

The Theme Foundry: Handcrafted WordPress themes and professional supportToday I am proud to announce Themes by Jestro is now officially The Theme Foundry! To be clear, nothing else about our business has changed. We have simply switched our name, moved to a new domain, and re-branded our themes project.

Why the change?

This has been a few months in the making. When I began this journey in late 2008 I had no idea where we would be in 2010. The placement of the site on a sub-domain of our design and development business along with the Jestro Themes / Themes by Jestro name was a logical but short-sighted choice. After a fantastic 2009, and the release of two new themes, the project has now outgrown “subdomain status”. I have big plans for the The Theme Foundry in 2010 and this change lays the groundwork for those plans.

What’s Next?

Well, more themes! You can expect to see several more themes released in 2010. More importantly, I will continue to stay focused on providing professional support, customization tips, and tutorials for our members. There are some other ideas brewing that I will be sure to update you on as they unfold.

Feedback welcome!

I would love to hear your feedback on the new name, logo, and brand in the comments. Also, be sure to let me know if you notice anything weird or wrong with the new site (broken links, etc.).

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