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Hello Traction

By team on March 9, 2010

Traction WordPress Theme

Learn more about Traction →

I am super excited to announce the release of our newest WordPress theme, Traction! Traction is a dark and clean magazine style theme with a robust options menu and built in support for WordPress post thumbnails. This is the theme I meant to design when I started Punchcut late last year, it just wasn’t ready yet. Traction comes with a boatload of features, including three colors schemes (red, blue, green), built in Twitter support, and much more. I encourage you to browse through all the features and take it for a test drive. Be sure to let me know what you think in the comments.

New Pricing

As previously announced on Twitter we have rolled out new pricing for our themes. I have some great news if you were a PRO member as of yesterday. You have automatically been upgraded to a VIP PRO Membership! What does this mean? This means you get access to all of our current and future PRO themes, including Traction. Yes, you are that special. We aren’t even selling these VIP PRO Memberships right now, so you really should feel special.

New customers buying our themes shouldn’t feel left out. Your regular PRO Membership (free with any theme purchase) entitles you to 25% off all future theme purchases.

Theme Updates

We also released new versions of all our other themes today (Vigilance, Titan, and Punchcut). Here is a quick breakdown of the changes and fixes:


  • Bug Fix: Added more specific ul.children selector to avoid extra spacing on nested lists inside entries .
  • Bug Fix: Fixed PHP comments in the footer.
  • Miscellaneous: Cleaned up the admin and added notation for PRO and non-pro features.


  • Bug Fix: Added back the extra unordered list to avoid breaking the layout when you add widgets.
  • Bug Fix: Correctly aligned the navigation menu dropdown
  • Bug Fix: Added more specific ul.children selector to avoid extra spacing on nested lists inside entries.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed PHP comments in the footer.
  • Miscellaneous: Cleaned a bunch of cruft from the stylesheet.
  • Miscellaneous: Cleaned up the admin and added notation for PRO and non-pro features.


  • Bug Fix: Added missing language hook
  • Bug Fix: Correctly aligned the navigation menu dropdown and fixed the weird persistent hover bug
  • Bug Fix: Added more specific ul.children selector to avoid extra spacing on nested lists inside entries.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed PHP comments in the footer.
  • Miscellaneous: Cleaned up the admin and added notation for PRO and non-pro features.

Feedback Please

Please let me know what you think about the new theme and anything else in the comments.

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