Archive of posts with the Theme Updates topic
It’s that time again! Every so often we take a look at our accumulated bug lists, feature requests and bag o’ tricks and make a round of updates to our themes. Our goal is to always be improving and cleaning up our themes to make sure everything is working just wonderfully. At The Theme Foundry our themes only get better with age – no rusty and dusty old themes lying around here!
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If you’ve been subscribing to our “theme specific” RSS feeds, please update your reader with the new “Theme Updates” feed. Going forward we’ll always release our updates in batches, making the individual theme feeds unnecessary. All update posts going forward will only be posted to the “Theme Updates” category and corresponding feed.
Happy 2012, everyone!
We try to keep our themes current by responding to customer requests and bugs every so often.
This time is no different – over the last couple of weeks we’ve gone through and made a round of updates to all of our WordPress themes, with mostly minor bug cleanup for many of the themes.
One major addition – we’ve added Google Plus icons to all of our themes that have “social site” support – that means Anthem, Linen, Paperpunch, Photography, React, Shelf, Titan and Traction all now feature a hand-crafted Google Plus icon, configurable on your Theme Options page.
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Today we’ve released another round of updates to all of our themes! Head over to the downloads page to grab the new theme packages. Be sure to read the upgrade instructions before you upgrade.
We’ve added an attachment template for viewing media items associated with a post.
Another new feature: Linen now has support for excerpts! If you specify an excerpt it will be used as the summary of your post.
We’ve also made modifications to the featured slider for both Linen and Traction – you no longer need to have 2 sticky posts to activate the slider – 1 will work just fine! We’ve also added the option to display sticky posts both in the featured slider and in the standard post list – something we’ve gotten several requests for.
In addition, there are several bug fixes applied to all of our themes. Check the change log for your theme to see the changes in the update.
If you run into any trouble please post in our forums and we’ll help you out!
Tonight we released updates for all of our WordPress themes! Head over to the downloads page to grab the new theme packages. Be sure to read the upgrade instructions before you upgrade.
The biggest visible change is an updated theme options panel that matches the look and feel of the new WordPress 3.2 interface. Also included are a bunch of bug fixes and enhancements. Check out the /docs/changelog file included in your theme if you’re interested in reading more about the changes.
If you run into any trouble please head straight to the support forums and we will help you out 🙂
Traction 2.1 has been released. Cruise on over to the downloads page and grab your copy. Be sure to read the upgrade instructions first.
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Paperpunch 2.1 has been released. Cruise on over to the downloads page and grab your copy. Be sure to read the upgrade instructions first.
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Vigilance 2.1 has been released and includes HTML5 support! Cruise on over to the downloads page and grab your copy. Be sure to read the upgrade instructions first.
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Titan 2.1 has been released and includes an updated social icon section in the header! Cruise on over to the downloads page and grab your copy. To take advantage of the new social icons (Facebook and Flickr) simply log in to your WordPress dashboard and navigate to Titan Options → Follow Icons.
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Today we are updating Paperpunch, Titan, Traction, and Vigilance to version 2.0. This is more of an organizational change, although some minor bugs have been fixed across all themes.
Before I get into the structure changes, let me explain why we are making the change. In the past we maintained two separate versions of each theme. One was the free trial version, and the other was the PRO child theme. The PRO child theme unlocked features in the free trial version. This worked well for a long time, but we eventually started updating the PRO child theme almost as much as the free parent theme. This defeated the purpose of having the child theme in the first place and was a hassle for our users.
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Photography PRO 1.0.2 has been released. Head over to the downloads page to grab your copy.
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