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Keeping your colors on-brand and consistent is important. The Color panel in the Customizer allows you to select and set the colors for your site.


The global color scheme applies to most of the elements on the site. Some site regions can be overridden using specific color options described further down.

  • Primary Color: The background color for the comment button, the highlight color for menu items, and the text color of all links in content.
  • Secondary Color: The color for the sticky post background, input field backgrounds, and borders between posts.
  • Text Color: The color of text in the body of posts, including post content, date, title, and byline.
  • Detail Color: The color of small elements throughout the site such as the comments indicator.
  • Highlight Color: Only available with Make Plus and either WooCommerce or Easy Digital Downloads installed. It sets the color for a few eye-catching items such as the sale sticker.
  • Link Hover/Focus Color: The color that links will change to when they have focus or the mouse is hovering over them. By default, link color doesn’t change.
  • Site Background Color: The color for the background of the site. If a background image is set, the color will not be seen. Additionally, if you are using the Full-width Site Layout option, the background color will not be seen as it will be completely covered by the main column.
  • Main Column Background Color: The color for the main column in the site. If a background image is set, the color will not be visible. You can change the opacity of this background color to allow a Site Background Color/Image to be visible.

These color options apply to all of the content in the site header, except the Header Bar (see below). Individual regions of the site header can be overridden with other color options below.

Site Title & Tagline

Options for the site title and for the tagline will override the Site Header color options.

These override options allow you to specify a different color scheme for main menu items than the rest of the site header. Note that for sub-menu items, the Detail Color, Background Color, and Hover/Focus Background Color options only apply to the desktop view (not the mobile view).

Header Bar

The Header Bar has its own color scheme options. These do not override the global color scheme or the site header color scheme, except for the Link Hover/Focus Color option.

These override options allow you to set a separate color scheme for the widgets in the sidebars.

Like the Header Bar, the footer has its own color scheme separate from the global color scheme.