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Content widget areas

With Make Plus active, any column in a Content section can be converted into a widget area on your page. This means you can include content you might usually find in a theme sidebar of footer right in your page!


Add a widget area


  1. Set up a Content section in the page builder.
  2. Convert a column to a widget area by clicking the Convert to widget icon in the upper right corner of the column.
  3. Give the widget area a descriptive name so that it’s easy to identify in the WordPress Customizer and Widgets screens. (This name will not appear on the rendered page.)
  4. Save the widget area by publishing or updating the page.

Add individual widgets


  1. After the page has been saved, click the Customizer link in the empty widget area.
  2. On the Customizer screen, click the Sidebars & Widgets panel.
  3. Find the widget area you just created and add widgets.
  4. When you’re finished, save your changes by clicking Save and Publish.
  5. Click X in the upper left corner of the Customizer to close the Customizer and return to your builder page.

Configure an individual widget


  1. Click the Configure widget icon to open a window with the widget’s options.
  2. When finished, click Done to close the window.

Reorder an individual widget

  1. Click and hold on the dotted bar at the top of the widget.
  2. Drag the widget to a new position. A box with a dashed border indicates where the widget will be when you release the mouse button.

Delete an individual widget


Click the Delete widget icon to remove a widget from the widget area.

Remove a widget area


To switch back to a regular column, simply click the Revert to column icon at the top of the widget area.