HappyForms 1.4.3
By on May 22, 2018
We’ve just pushed a new version of HappyForms 1.4.3 with yet another set of exciting updates! Here’s what’s new:
- Improvement: Date part gets redesigned and renamed to Date & Time. We also brought a lot of new features to it. To pick a few, the minimum and maximum allowed value for year and hour field are now possible, as well as setting inputs to show current date and time as the default value.
- Improvement: Address part now lets users grab their current location automatically using Geolocation API.
- Improvement: Added option to specify the subject of email notifications sent to site owners.
- Improvement: Email notifications now support From, Reply-To, and CCing multiple email addresses.
- Bug fix: Responsive behavior of Address and Date & Time parts.
- Bug fix: Updated code to support PHP down to version 5.2.4.