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Build a one-page site

With Make / Make Builder & Make Plus you can quickly build up a one-page site. For this tutorial we’re going to keep it simple — our page will have a header banner image, an about section, a services section, and a contact section at the bottom.

Create a Builder page to use as your landing or front page.

For the purposes of this tutorial, we’ll begin by inserting a Banner section into the page.

After the Banner section, we’ll add a Columns section for the about content, a Gallery section for the services content, and another Columns section — where we’ll drop in a contact form (you might try Contact Form 7 or Gravity Forms to accomplish this).

Configure your Section IDs.

And a unique section identifier to each of your sections in the configure options of each section.

Set your front page.

After your page is published, you can set it to be the static/front page of your site.

Set up your one-page menu.

Create a custom menu.

To add a link to the sections within your one-page site, you’ll use this format, adding the custom links to your menu:


Save your menu and assign it to a location in the theme.

If you’ve set it up correctly, your Primary Navigation menu items will now take you to the different sections on your page!

Bonus round

Install a plugin like Scroll Back to Top or Smooth Scroll Up so your site visitors can easily navigate back to the main menu!